Component B: Community Climate Resilience

B1 Community Strengthening

This subcomponent aims to strengthen the capacity of communities for sustainable natural resource use and management. Support will be provided to “local project implementation committees”, or their local equivalent. Building on the outcomes of the higher-level strategic watershed planning (Subcomponent A1), micro-watershed planning will be supported to prioritize investments. Social cohesion and peace building will be strengthened by addressing gender inequalities, the needs of vulnerable and marginalized groups, and by improving conflict resolution capacities at the local level, all through joint planning and implementation across stakeholder groups to foster mutual understanding. Activities such as participatory planning processes, capacity building, and establishment of community revolving fund (CRF) management committees will be implemented in a gender-inclusive manner to help improve women’s voice and agency in participating communities.

Projects Under B1 Community Strengthening

Community Engagements B1 Community Strengthening